Short explenation
What we will do is make "fake" virtual machine in which we will trap Zoom so that we will be able to use it, without it being able to control the microphone and camera.
Step 0: prerequisites
- A computer with at least 2 GB of ram(odds are you are using one)
- A x86_64 computer(odds are you are using one)
- An installation of Windows/MacOS(others already know how to do this)
Step 1: Download And Install Virtualbox
Go to virtualbox's website, there you will be able to find virtualbox for your platform of choice. The files we want are the installer and possibly the Virtualbox Extention Pack(optional).
If you are having trouble here are a the files(Latest verision s of April 3rd 2020):
Install the same way you install all other programs on you computer.
Afterwards if you also downloaded the Extension Pack install that by doubleclicking on it. Accepting the License terms and installing.
Step 2: Download Ubuntu Mate
Because the Windows installation may be a bit too complicated or people may not have access to a license they can use we are installing Ubuntu Mate which is completely Free and Open Source.
Personally i think you should install the LTS version since it is stable and has support for a long time. Meaning you could just install it and forget about it with no issues.
If you are having trouble here is the file(Latest Long Term Support(LTS) verision as of April 3rd 2020):
Note 1: This is an iso file ,as in an image file normally written to CD/DVD discs. You can freely share this file with your friends and family along with this guide to help them with Zoom.😎
Note 2: In case of an issue with the installation, you may need to redownload due to your browser probably borking the install.😐
Step 3: Lets make a virtual machine!
(dont worry it won't bite)
First things first we open the virtualbox application. You should see a welcome screen if there is nothing installed.
Now in order to make a virtual machine you need to press the blue spiky ball that says "New" under it.